
08 March 2020

COVID-19 Pandemic Response - Health and Safety First at TPO

March 2020, Muscat Oman: Takatuf Petrofac Oman (TPO), the leading, state-of-the-art oil and gas training institute based in Knowledge Oasis, Oman, is closely monitoring the spread of the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19).

Initially TPO raised awareness with all students of the symptoms of COVID-19 and how it spreads via small group workshops lead by TPO’s Senior Specialist in HSSE training. Workshops also included practical advice on how to correctly wash your hands, prevent touching your face, and advice on practicing social distancing and self-isolating if you have symptoms of the virus. These workshops were reinforced with animated awareness campaigns displayed throughout the centre aimed at raising awareness with all students on how to prevent the spread of the virus.

As instructed by Oman’s Supreme Committee for Dealing with COVID-19, and as part of the continued efforts throughout the Sultanate to prevent the spread of the virus, TPO will not be resuming on-site training until further notice as per the guidance of Oman’s Supreme Committee for Dealing with COVID-19.

“Our primary concern at TPO is the health and safety of our students and staff,” stated Mr Andrew Morris, General Manager at TPO, “and with cases of COVID-19 now rising in Oman, it is our duty as residents and citizens of Oman to stay home and stay safe at this time as per the request of Oman’s Supreme Committee for Dealing with COVID-19.”

Mr Morris continued, “We are in constant communication with the relevant authorities and monitoring the situation carefully. Until we are permitted to safely go back to training, TPO recommends that everyone follow safe hygiene practices to stay healthy and prevent illness. Health and Safety must always come first.”

TPO is a joint venture founded by Takatuf, the human capitals solution provider, and Petrofac, a world leading oil field service provider with a 35-year track record in the development of training and competence programmes and facilities.

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